COMP.DSP 2010 Conference

Home Agenda Attendees presentations photos


We would like to invite all interested parties to join us for the COMP.DSP Conference to be held on April 9 to 10, 2010 in Kansas City, MO. The conference room is booked at:

Hampton Inn & Suites
4600 Summit Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64112
(877) 410-4600

The conference is intended for practicing DSP engineers who love their craft and would like to share their knowledge and have a good time with their colleagues.

We hope to have two full days of presentations surrounded by a casual, low-key atmosphere to facilitate networking and casual discussion. So join us to learn a little more about practical DSP and related topics.



BONUS: A free license to ScopeDSP 5 (a $149 value) will be provided by Iowegian International Corporation to all who attend the conference. ScopeDSP is a comprehensive interactive tool for analyzing sampled-data signals. It transforms between the time domain and frequency domain using an arbitrary-N Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and provides a variety of plots and statistics for both domains. See for details.

Politburo of the COMP.DSP Conference

   Al Clark   Danville Signal Processing Inc.


   Richard (Rick) Lyons  Besser Associates 


   Vladimir Vassilevsky   AbVolt, LLC


A presentation doesn't have to be very complicated and formal; it merely needs to be a DSP topic that you think would be interesting, or educational to the other conference attendees. And keep in mind, if some DSP topic is interesting to you, then surely it will be of interest to some of the other Conference attendees.

If you would like to make a presentation at the conference, please contact In few words, describe your presentation, tell how much time it would take and what equipment do you need (projector, oscilloscope, power supply, etc.)

The plan is to have speakers create their presentation "slides" using MS Word or PowerPoint, project their slides on a screen using their laptop computers and a VGA projector (supplied by the conference hosts), and spend a half hour to an hour teaching us some aspect of DSP that we didn't know.

If you make a presentation, you will NOT be lecturing to stone-faced strangers, instead you'll be sharing your knowledge with friends.

So far we have the following presentations:

Richard (Rick) Lyons: "Reduced-Delay Data Smoothing"

Richard (Rick) Lyons: "Improving FIR Filter Coefficient Precision"

Vladimir Vassilevsky: "Communication and Location Under the Ground (VLF Technology Tricks)"

Vladimir Vassilevsky: "HALOS: a Homemade Embedded RTOS for DSP Applications"

Al Clark: "Magnitude squared method to solve a collection of arbitrary functions"

Al Clark: "Multitone signal generation"

Maurice Givens: "Remote Sensing of Impacts With Non-Gaussian Distributions"

Maurice Givens: "Analysis of Two Adaptive Filters in Tandem"

Grant Griffin: "Life Without Matlab: DSP System Design and Analysis On The Cheap"

Grant Griffin: "Introduction to Python"

Clay Turner: "Digital Resonators"

Dale Dalrymple: "Windows Connections"